This post is a few weeks late, but the parental pride is not diminished at all. My daughter Karina participated in the Northern California championship for Chinese poetry recital. This competition is organized by the association of Chinese schools of Northern California that includes over 70 schools and includes many categories (remember: this is all Chinese, so I'm a bit sketchy on some details). To get to the regionals, she had to win her school competition. She was given several poems and in the competition she had to recite one of them. The competitors were judged mostly on pronunciation (and on not using their hands).
There were 21 participants in her category (she competed in the 5-7 age group, being on the very younger side of that). Parents were not let in the room or even to see the judges before the competition.
As the picture shows, Karina took First place! The victory was immediately celebrated by the biggest ice-cream she ever had, but suffice it to say that her maternal line (i.e., mom and grandmother) did not sleep that night of sheer excitement! Clearly, this is one of Karina's achievements that I made absolutely no contribution to.
Hi, Alon
Congratulations to Karina and you!
It is a great achievement!
nice girl
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